
Abstract: In the digital age, the threat of automated attacks on online platforms continues to evolve, necessitating innovative approaches to ensure cybersecurity. Traditional text-based CAPTCHA systems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to sophisticated attacks, prompting the exploration of alternative solutions. This research proposes a novel approach to enhance online security through the integration of hand gestures and gaming elements into CAPTCHA mechanisms. By leveraging the unique biometric characteristics of hand gestures and the engaging nature of gaming, this next-generation CAPTCHA system aims to provide robust protection against automated bots while ensuring a user-friendly experience. The study explores the design, implementation, and evaluation of this hybrid CAPTCHA solution, assessing its effectiveness in mitigating various challenges associated with existing CAPTCHA methods. Through empirical analysis and user feedback, the research aims to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of incorporating hand gestures and gaming into CAPTCHA systems to enhance security and usability in online environments.

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