
The Round Table NEWS from the North American Branch NAB Officers 2003 (forfulladdresses see Bibliographical Bulletin ofthe International Arthurian Society [bbias]) President: Susann Samples (Mount St. Mary's College) Immediate Past President: Alan Lupack (University of Rochester) Vice-President: William W. Kibler (University ofTexas) Secretary-Treasurer: Jean Blacker (Kenyon College) Bibliographer: Dan Nastali (Independent Scholar) Advisory Committee: Romance Languages: Peggy McCracken (University of Michigan) English: Kathleen Kelly (Northeastern University) Germanic: David Johnson (Florida State University) Canada: James Noble (University of New Brunswick) Post Medieval: Charlotte A.T. WuIf(ViIIaJuHe College) Bonnie Wheeler, Arthuriana Editor (Southern Methodist U, ex officio) IAS Officers 200} (forfull addresses see bbias) President: Dr. Bart Besamusca (University of Utrecht Honorary President: Jane H. M. Taylor (St. Hilda's College, Oxford U)) Vice-President: Peter Field (University ofWales-Bangor) Secretary: Maria Colombo Timelli (University of Milan) Treasurer: Joan Grimbert (Catholic University ofAmerica) bbias/bbsia Editor: Dr. Frank Brandsma (University of Utrecht) Back Issues of'bbias andArthuriana: For back issues of bbias through v. 51/1999, contactJoan Grimbert, Dept. ofModern Languages, Catholic U, Washington, DC 20064 (grimbert@cua.edu); for v. 52-53/2000-2001, contact Jean Blacker, Kenyon C, Gambier, OH 43022-9623 (blacker@kenyon.edu). Back issues still available are v. 25-29 (1973-77) and 31-34 (1979-82), all for $10 each; v. 36-41 (1984-89), 43 (1991), and 45-51 (1993-99) are $18 each; v. 51-52 (2000-2001) are $20 each. All other volumes are out ofprint. For back issues ofArthuriana, contact Arthuriana, Box 750432, SMU, Dallas, TX 75275-0432 (bwheeler@mail.smu.edu). Your bbiasAbstracts: Members are reminded that, for inclusion in the society's annual bibliography, they should send bibliographic entries and abstracts for articles or books published in 2002 or in 2003 to Daniel Nastali (nastali@aol.com). arthuriana 13.2 (2003) 94 THE ROUND TABLE95 Arthurian Studies at Kabmazoo: 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 8-11, 2003. [For information and registration materials write to Prof. Paul Szarmach, director, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5432; tel. 616-387-8745; fax: 616-387-8750; e-mail: mdvl_congress@wmich.edu; web page: http://www.wmich.edu.medieval/congress.] IASBusiness Meeting. Friday, 9 May, 12 Noon, Fetzer 1010. North American Branch Business Meeting with box lunches ($6.00; quantity limited: first come, first served). 1.Adoption of the agenda 2.Minutes of the meeting of May 2002 (see Arthuriana 12.3, 104-106) 3.President's Report 4.Matters arising 5.Secretary-Treasurer's report 6.Bibliographer's report 7.Report from the Editor ofArthuriana 8.Sessions for Kalamazoo 2004 9.Other business Reception hosted by NAB/IAS: Friday, 9 May, 5:15 p.m., Bernhard 158. Kabmazoo 2003 Sessions Sponsoredby theNorthAmerican Branch ofthe International Arthurian Society, Thursday, 8 May to Sunday, 11 May 2003: Session 73 (Thursday, May 8, 1:30—3): Valley 1 102 Trust, Guilt, and Suspicion in Arthurian Literature Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Felicia Ackerman, Brown Univ. Présider: Felicia Ackerman 1."Alas, Who May Truste Thys World?": Exploring Trust in Malory's Morte. Janet Jesmok, Univ. ofWisconsin-Milwaukee 2.Keeping Score in Malory's Book ofSir Tristram Michael W. Twomey, Ithaca College 3.How the Queen Lies: Female Wiles and the Portrait of the King Janina P. Traxler, Manchester College 4.Trust, Guilt, Suspicion, and Lancelot in the French Prose Lancebt Carol Dover, Georgetown Univ. Session 134 (Thursday, May 8, 3:30-5): Valley 1 102 Political Uses of the Arthurian Legend Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: June Hall McCash, Middle Tennessee State Univ. Présider: June Hall McCash 1.Two Interpretations of the Historia regum Britanniae: Llywelyn ap Gruffydd and Edward I Heather Shaw, Univ. ofToronto 2.Dedicated to Peace: Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia regum Britanniae and the Civil War of the 1130s 96ARTHURIANA Rebecca Slitt, Fordham Univ. 3. Myth, Marketing, and Political Prophecy: Sir Gawane and the Celts ofCarlisle Jean Coakley, Miami Univ. of Ohio Session 199 (Friday, May 9, 10—11:30): Fetzer 1010 Arthurian Comedy Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Joan Grimbert, Catholic Univ. ofAmerica Présider: Joan Grimbert 1.'Fetchez la Vache...

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