
News, as one of the fundamental social media types, typically contains both texts and images. Image selection, which involves choosing appropriate images according to some specified contexts, is crucial for formulating good news. However, it presents two challenges: where to place images and which images to use. The difficulties associated with this where-which problem lie in the fact that news typically contains linguistically rich text that delivers complex information and more than one image. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end two-stage framework to address these issues comprehensively. In the first stage, we identify key information in news by using location embeddings, which represent the local contextual information of each candidate location for image insertion. Then, in the second stage, we thoroughly examine the candidate images and select the most context-related ones to insert into each location identified in the first stage. We also introduce three insertion strategies to formulate different scenarios influencing the image selection procedure. Extensive experiments demonstrate the consistent superiority of the proposed framework in image selection.

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