
THE British Association has issued the preliminary programme of its meeting to be held in Glasgow on Sept. 5-12, under the presidency of Sir William Bragg, who in his address will deal with modern developments of the physical sciences and their relation to national problems. The subjects of the presidential addresses and discussions in the various sections include the reflection of electrons by matter, the photography and measurement of radiation, ancient geography in modern education (by Prof. J. L. Myres), the nature of skill (by Prof. T. H. Pear), the influence of engineering on civilisation (by Sir William Ellis), the archseology of Scotland (by Sir George Macdonald), and increasing returns and economic progress (by Prof. Allyn Young). Dr. Cyril Norwood will give the presidential address in the education section, which also will hold a discussion on broadcasting in the service of education, opened by Sir John Reith. One of the customary evening discourses will be given by Prof. E. A. Westermarck, on the study of popular sayings; this will be the Frazer Lecture in social anthropology, which is due for delivery in Glasgow, and to which members of the Association will, by the courtesy of the University authorities, be admitted. The other evening discourse will be given by Prof. F. G. Donnan under the title of “The Mystery of Life,” the subject being considered from the viewpoint of physical chemistry. The delegates of corresponding societies, under the presidency of Dr. Vaughan Cornish, will discuss the preservation of scenic beauty in town and country. All the meetings, except those in the evening, will be held in the University, an unusually convenient arrangement. The Lord Provost and Corporation of Glasgow will give a reception and dance in the City Chambers, and the local committee a reception in Kelvingrove Art Galleries. Ample opportunity will be provided for visits to places of scientific interest in the country around Glasgow, and for studying the manifold economic interests of the city and the Clyde area, with their many outstanding examples of the value of applied science in industry and social conditions.

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