
Glioblastoma (GBM), with its very poor prognosis, accounts for 57% of gliomas and 48% of malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors. After standard therapy, patients with GBM usually die within six months. The case of an adult male with a newly-diagnosed GBM is presented here to detail/discuss the efficacy of ANP therapy (Antineoplaston A10 {Atengenal} and Antineoplaston AS2-1 {Astugenal}) in the treatment of GBM and to permit a review of the Phase II Protocol BT-07. Objectives: This patient was treated at the Burzynski Clinic (BC), according to the Phase II Protocol, BT-07, which utilized IV ANP therapy in the treatment of patients with newly-diagnosed GBMs. ANP therapy was delivered via subclavian catheter and infusion pump. Tumor response was measured by sequential magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain utilizing gadolinium enhancement. Findings: At age 37, this patient was diagnosed with GBM of the right frontal lobe after subtotal tumor resection performed elsewhere. At age 37 years and six months, he presented to the BC with this newly diagnosed disease. He had a recent history of forgetfulness and personality change. Neurologic examination was otherwise normal. Baseline brain MRI at the BC revealed a measurable enhancing nodule (4.0 cm x 2.0 cm) in the right frontal lobe. Intravenous (IV) ANP therapy began in November 1995 and a partial response (PR) was achieved within three months. After another 5 months of IV ANP therapy, the patient underwent a complete tumor resection, then additional ANP therapy. Now, > 27 years later, the patient is doing well and showing no evidence of tumor recurrence. Conclusions: The utilization of ANP therapy to facilitate a cure in a patient with newly-diagnosed GBM is presented. We conclude that ANP therapy is an attractive therapeutic option for adults with a GBM who are ineligible for or refuse standard therapy.

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