
THE following names of scientific workers and others associated with scientific interests appear in the New Year Honours List: Baronet: Sir Holburt Waring, president of the Royal College of Surgeons. G.C.B.: Sir Josiah Stamp. K.C.M.G.: Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Furse, director of the Imperial Institute; Dr. A. C. D. Rivett, deputy chairman and chief executive officer of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Commonwealth of Australia. Knights: Dr. C. V. Boys, for services to physics; Prof. W. Langdon-Brown, regius professor of physic, University of Cambridge; Dr. E. Deller, principal of the University of London; Dr. Cyril Fox, director of the National Museum of Wales; Dr. J. B. Orr, director of the Rowett Institute for Research in Animal Nutrition, Aberdeen; Prof. E. B. Poulton, honorary life president of the Royal Entomological Society of London, and emeritus professor of zoology in the University of Oxford; Dr. J. D. Sutherland, lately assistant forestry commissioner for Scotland, member of the Forestry Commission. C.B.: Col. H. St. J. L. Winterbotham, Director-General of Ordnance Survey, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. C.M.G.: Lieut.-Col. C. L. Carbutt, Chief Native Commissioner, Southern Rhodesia; Prof. F. L. Engledow, professor of agriculture, University of Cambridge, and member of the Colonial Advisory Council of Agriculture and Animal Health; Lieut.-Col. S. P. James, medical officer and adviser on tropical diseases, Ministry of Health, and member of the Colonial Advisory Medical Committee. G.I.E.: Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni, Director-General of Archaeology in India. C.B.E.: Dr. E. J. Alien, secretary of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom and director of the Plymouth Laboratory; Mr. C. C. Hawkins, lately superintendent of the Department of Technology, City and Guilds of London Institute; Dr. J. S. Plaskett, director of the Astrophysical Observatory, Dominion of Canada. O.B.E.: Mr. G. W. Austin, principal scientific officer, R.N. Torpedo Factory, Greenock; Mr. R. W. Harris, secretary of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. M.B.E.: Dr. Alice E. Wilson, assistant invertebrate palaeontologist, Department of Mines, Dominion of Canada.

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