
Until recently x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements in the 1-2 keV region remained a challenging experimental task. This was primarily due to the lack of an adequate monochromator crystal that possessed both the required x-ray properties (large d-spacing, high resolution and reflectivity) and materials properties (ultra-high vacuum (UHV) capability, damage resistance in a synchrotron radiation beam, absence of constituent element absorption edges and stability, both thermal and mechanical). Traditionally, XAFS spectra in this photon energy range have been measured in a piece-wise fashion using a combination of monochromator crystals. Very recently, we have an experimental breakthrough in XAFS spectroscopy in this soft x-ray region. This energy region is of great importance for materials and basic research since the K-edges of Na (1070 eV), Mg (1303 eV), Al (1557 eV) and Si (1839 eV), the L-edges of some 4p elements from Ga to Sr and the M-edges of the rare-earth elements fall within this energy window of the electromagnetic spectrum. YB{sub 66}, a complex binary semiconducting yttrium boride having a cubic crystal structure with a lattice constant of 23.44 {angstrom} has been singled out as a candidate monochromator material for synchrotron radiation in the 1-2 keV region. There is no intrinsic absorption by the constituent elements in this region, which can adequately be dispersed by the (400) reflection having a 2d value of 11.76 {angstrom}. In terms of vacuum compatibility, resistance to radiation damage, thermal and mechanical stability, YB{sub 66} satisfies all the material requirements for use as a monochromator in a synchrotron beam. In the past few years, LLNL in collaboration with a number of other research institutes has pioneered the development of this unique man-made crystal for use as soft x-ray monochromator with synchrotron light sources for materials science studies. 23 refs., 4 figs.

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