
The LHCb detector is undergoing a comprehensive upgrade for data taking in the LHC’s Run 3, which is scheduled to begin in 2022. The new Run 3 detector has a different, upgraded geometry and uses new tools for its description, namely DD4hep [2] and ROOT [12]. Besides, the visualization technologies have evolved quite a lot since Run 1, with the introduction of ubiquitous web based solutions or Augmented Reality (AR) for example. The LHCb collaboration has thus started the development of a new visualization solution, based on the Phoenix [6] framework, developed jointly by several experiments in the context of the HEP Software Foundation (HSF) [10]. We present here the architecture and implementation of this new solution, as well as the different contributions made to the Phoenix ecosystem. In particular we discuss a generic tool for exporting ROOT geometries to the visualization application, which can be used to display in a browser either the whole detector or subparts of it. Extensions to the Phoenix visualization primitives regarding calorimeters and performance improvements are also presented.

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