
Introduction B.Burnes, D.Knights & H.Willmott - Computer Technology in Organizations: Some Critical Notes W.J.Orlikowski - Work, Participation and Co-Determination in Computer-Based Manufacturing E.Hildebrandt - Computer Numerical Control and Constraint F.Wilson - Managerial Strategies, Information Technology and Engineers G.L.Lee - Information Technology and the Control Function of Supervisors P.Dawson - How Much Change at the Store? The Impact of New Technologies and Labour Processes on Managers and Staff in Retail Distribution S.Smith - Beyond Taylorism: Computerization and QWL Programs in the Production Process L.Giordano - Computer Redesign and 'Labour Process' Theory: Towards a Critical Appraisal M.Beirne & H.Ramsay - The Use of Technology and the Development of Qualifications: How the Debate about the Labour Process is Viewed in German Industrial Sociology L.Lappe - Index

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