
Objective—The primary nerves innervating the female genitalia are the dorsal nerve of the clitoris (DNC) and the perineal nerve, which innervate the clitoris and the external genitalia/distal vagina, respectively. We describe two novel electrodiagnostic techniques for evaluating the integrity of these female genital somatosensory pathways.Subjects and methods—Seventy-seven healthy women (mean age 29.3 years) were enrolled for this study. We performed DNC somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), stimulating through self-adhesive disk electrodes on either side of the clitoris. Perineal nerve SEPs were evoked through a vaginal probe. Cortical responses were measured through cup electrodes affixed to the scalp at Cpz and Fpz. Stimulus parameters were duration 0.1 ms, frequency 4.1 Hz, filters 5–5,000 Hz, at three times sensory threshold.Results—DNC and perineal nerve SEPs from both the right and left sides were reproducible and easily discerned. The mean P1 latencies were: right DNC 39.4 ms (SD 2.8 ms), left DNC 39.3 ms (SD 3.3 ms), right perineal nerve 37.8 ms (SD 3.4 ms), left perineal nerve 37.6 ms (SD 3.1 ms). We recorded SEP responses from 90 to 92% of subjects for the DNC, and 69% for the perineal nerve.Conclusions—We are able to evoke somatosensory potentials from the four primary somatic nerves that mediate female genital cutaneous sensation. In healthy subjects, the DNC responses are robust and maintain laterality. The perineal nerve responses are less consistently obtained, but when recorded, are easily discerned. These preliminary data provide a foundation from which to study female genital innervation, particularly as it applies to sexual function.

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