
Different stratigraphic schemes have been proposed by various authors for the Neogene marine sedimentary deposits cropping out along the central Chilean coast between Valparaíso (~33°00'S) and Punta Topocalma (~34°30'S), without any consensus having been reached. Neither does any agreement exist with respect to the correlation between the deposits cropping out in the northern part of this area, between San Antonio (~33°30'S) and Valparaíso, and those of the southern part, between San Antonio and Punta Topocalma. Based on new stratigraphic, sedimentologic and paleontologic studies we propose a formal, new stratigraphic classification for this area. According to this scheme we define the Navidad Formation (Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene) and the Licancheu, Rapel and La Cueva formations (Pliocene). We propose that the rank of the three first cited units (Navidad, Licancheu and Rapel), generally considered to be members in previous classifications, be elevated to formations, because they are separated by regional unconformities (paraconformities). In this paper we define these units, revise the previous classifications, and explain the basis for the new classification.


  • Las rocas cretácicas presentan una edad del Campaniano Tardío-Maastrichtiano (Cretácico Tardío) y afloran en la zona de Punta Topocalma y en un pequeño sector de la playa de Algarrobo

  • Different stratigraphic schemes have been proposed by various authors for the Neogene marine sedimentary deposits cropping out along the central Chilean coast between Valparaíso (~33°00’S) and Punta Topocalma (~34°30’S), without any consensus having been reached

  • Neither does any agreement exist with respect to the correlation between the deposits cropping out in the northern part of this area, between San Antonio (~33°30’S) and Valparaíso, and those of the southern part, between San Antonio and Punta Topocalma

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Alfonso Encinas

Varios autores han propuesto diferentes esquemas estratigráficos para los depósitos sedimentarios neógenos marinos que afloran en la zona costera de Chile central entre Valparaíso (~33°00’S) y Punta Topocalma (~34°30’S), sin que exista un consenso al respecto. Tampoco existe acuerdo respecto a las correlaciones entre los depósitos que afloran en la parte norte de dicha zona, entre Valparaíso y San Antonio (~33°30’S) con aquellos que aparecen en la parte sur, entre San Antonio y Punta Topocalma. De acuerdo con este nuevo esquema se definen la Formación Navidad (Mioceno Superior-Plioceno Inferior) y las formaciones Licancheu, Rapel y La Cueva (Plioceno). Se propone la elevación de las tres primeras unidades (Navidad, Licancheu y Rapel), generalmente consideradas como miembros en clasificaciones anteriores, al rango de formaciones debido a que se encuentran separadas por discontinuidades (paraconformidades) de escala regional. NUEVO ESQUEMA ESTRATIGRÁFICO PARA LOS DEPÓSITOS MARINOS MIO-PLIOCENOS DEL ÁREA DE NAVIDAD

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