
Blattinopsis indefinitus Rasnitsyn et Aristov, sp. n. is described from the Lower Permian Fokina locality (the upper Burgukla subhorizont of the upper Kungurian Stage) in North-Western Siberia. It is the latest record of the genus Blattinopsis Giebel, 1867.


  • The order Blattinopsida consists of a family Blattinopsidae with two Carboniferous– Permian genera Blattinopsis Giebel, 1867 and Glaphirophlebia Handlirsch, 1906 (Aristov & Rasnitsyn, 2021)

  • A new species of Blattinopsis is found in the Lower Permian Fokina River locality (Krasnoyarsky krai, NorthWestern Siberia) and described below

  • New species is most similar to B. kukalovae Carpenter, 1966 from the lower Kungurian fossil locality Elmo (Leonardian Stage of Kansas, USA) in having the only stem RS

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Far Eastern Entomologist

1) Borissak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya str. N. is described from the Lower Permian Fokina locality (the upper Burgukla subhorizont of the upper Kungurian Stage) in North-Western Siberia. It is the latest record of the genus Blattinopsis Giebel, 1867. Новый вид рода Blattinopsis Giebel, 1867 (Insecta: Blattinopsida: Blattinopsidae) из перми полуострова Таймыр, Россия // Дальневосточный энтомолог. Из местонахождения Фокина (верхнебургуклинский подгоризонт верхнего кунгура, нижняя пермь) описан Blattinopsis indefinitus Rasnitsyn et Aristov, sp. N. Это самая поздняя находка рода Blattinopsis Giebel, 1867

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