
Three new species of Texas weevils of the family Curculionidae are described: Cercopeus bolli, Lixellus haldemani, and Pnigodes belfragei. No- menclatural notes the genus Lixellus and a key to the species of Pnigodes are included. Additional notes are presented for a few other Texas weevils. The following descriptions of new weevils, with notes other species, are presented here as a contribution to the knowledge of the rather rich curculionid fauna of Texas.2 Apion fumitarse Fall, 1898, p. 162; Kissinger, 1957, p. 76. Numerous specimens of this weevil were collected Croton glandulosus L. 9 mi. N of Rockport, 20-23 August 1962. Adults were abundant the plants and many pupae and a few full-grown larvae were dissected from the seeds. To my knowledge this is the first definite host record for A. fumitarse. Kissinger (loc. cit.) recorded the species on Dalea multiflora. Bissel (1940) found Croton glandulosus to serve as the host of a related species, Apion delta Buchanan, in Georgia. The known range of A. fumitarse extends along the coast from Aransas County southward to Brownsville. Mitostylus elongatus Van Dyke, 1936, p. 83. This species appar- ently has not been mentioned in literature since the original descrip- tion, based a single specimen collected at Encino, was published. Through the kindness of H. B. Leech I have recently had an opportu- nity to examine the male holotype deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences. The following notes are presented to supplement the rather short original description, to make known the female, and to give additional distribution records for the species. In

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