
Wings hyaline, unmarked……………… 3.Wings brown along the costa, the small and the posterior crossveins; body and its members, except the wings, yellow, antennal arista brown, second joint of hind tarsi sometimes black; three pairs of dorso-centrals, one of acrostichals, and two sternopleural macrochætæ……………2.Costa and apex of wing, from the base to beyond apex of fourth vein, broadly bordered with brown, which is widely separated from the brown of the crossveins; second joint of hind tarsi yellow, third antennal joint oval, one and one-third times as long as wide, arista with a scarcely perceptible pubescence. Length, 3.5 mm. Chiric Mts., Ariz. A female specimen collected May 31, 1897, by Mr. H. G. Hubbard. Type No. 4082, U.S. Nat. Museum. Hubbardii, n. sp.

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