
Brachynemurus brunneus, new species.Male.—Length, 40 mm.; expanse of wings, 55.4 mm.; greatest width of anterior wing, 6.4 mm.; length of antenna, 7 mm. Slender, prevailing colour fuscous, markings luteous; sparsely clothed with black and white hairs, more thickly so on abdomen.Face scarcely convex; lower part luteous; covered above by a broad piceous band which encircles the antennæ furrow between face and inner orbit of the eye fuscous. Circumocular area luteous, except along vertex, where it is mostly dark fuscous, and near the maxillary palpiger, where there is a fuscous spot. Clypeus luteous, rather short. Labrum transverse, luteous; rounded laterally and narrowed anteriorly emarginate in front. Mandibles piceous, black at tips.

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