
Abstract : Two new species in the genera Lobatopedis and Minimelanolocus were found during an investigation of anamorphic fungi from plant debris collected in a cloud forest in Veracruz State, Mexico. Both are described and illustrated. Lobatopedis kirkii sp. nov. is characterized by brown, macronematous conidiophores, monoblastic conidiogenous cells, and brown, cylindrical, narrowly obclavate to sub-acicular conidia which differ from those of other species of Lobatopedis in shape. Minimelanolocus limpidus sp. nov. is characterized by macronematous dark brown conidiophores, polyblastic conidiogenous cells with slightly melanized scars, and obclavate, (3–)6-septate, pale golden brown conidia. A comparative table and a key to Lobatopedis species are also provided. Key words : hyphomycetes, microfungi, nature conservation, taxonomy. Introduction Cloud forests (CF) are among the most diverse biomes in the world. In Mexico, this kind of forest, although covering less than 1% of the land surface, contains 10–12% of the country’s flowering plant species (Rzedowski 1996). Because of the climatological characteristics, all kinds of fungi grow in the wide variety of habitats provided by these forests. Unfortunately, CF are severely threatened not only in Mexico but also worldwide. Urgent exploration of the few remnants of such forests is therefore needed. As part of a long-term study of anamorphic fungi from cloud forests, multiple

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