
Current research in the cloud forest of Cerro La Chapa, El Amparo, by Winfried Meier has resulted in the recognition of a new species of Justicia. This new species, Justicia chapana, previously misidentified as J. galapagana Lindau, is described, illustrated, and compared to the latter, its closest relative, from the Galapagos Islands. Justicia is the largest and taxonomically most complex genus of Acanthaceae, with ca. 600 species worldwide (Graham, 1988; Mabberley, 1997). It is also the largest genus of the family in Venezuela, with about 45 species found there. The genus is characterized by the upper corolla lip rugulate, androecium of two 2-thecous stamens and no staminodes, 2or 3-aperturate pollen with a trema area usually traversed by 2-8 rows of up to 10 insulae (Fig. 2), and stipitate capsules with four (or fewer) seeds. Justicia chapana Wasshausen, sp. nov. TYPE: Venezuela. Yaracuy: El Amparo, 7 km N of Salom, 110-1200 m, 1 Dec. 1974, J. Steyermark, Carrefto Espinoza, C. Steyermark & Diederichs 111211 (holotype, US; isotype, VEN). Figures 1, 2. Herba, caulibus quadrangularibus, puberulis et glanduloso-pilosis. Foliorum lamina lanceolata vel parce ovata, membranacea, utrinque parce puberula, costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, acuminata, basi attenuata. Inflorescentiae pauciflorae, axillares, dichotomae, folia aequantes, apice spiciformes, flores in axillis bractearum alternantibus, glanduloso-pilosi; bracteae bracteolaeque subulatae; calycis segmenta 4, lance-subulata; corolla lavendulacea vel profunde atrorosea-purpurea, 6-7 mm longa, pilosa, tubo 3-4 mm longo, labio superiore anguste ovato, apice cuculato et rotundato; stamina exserta; lobis antherarum leviter superpositis. Branching herb 0.5 m tall. Stems ascending, quadrangular-ridged, conspicuously puberulous and glandular-pilose, trichomes erect, glandtipped, others + spreading. Leaves petiolate, petioles 10-15 mm long, pubescence similar to that of stem, blades lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 5-7.5 x 2-3.3 cm, membranous, dull green, sparingly and inconspicuously puberulent both above and below, especially on costa and lateral veins, trichomes erect or appressed, eglandular or glandular, cystoliths usually obscure, apex long-acuminate, base attenuate, margin entire to obscurely crenulate; leaves subtending inflorescence much reduced, narrower than cauline leaves. Inflorescence fewflowered, axillary, dichotomously branched spikes, these barely exceeding terminal leaves, densely glandular-pilose, trichomes interspersed both glandular and eglandular. Flowers alternate, pedicels almost none; bracts and bracteoles subulate, 3-3.5 x 0.5 mm, pubescence intermixed pilose and glandular-pilose; calyx 4.5-5.5 mm long, deeply 4-parted, lobes lance-subulate, 3-4.5 x 0.75-1 mm, pubescence similar to that of the bracts and bracteoles; corolla rich lavender to deep rose-purple, 6-7 mm long, externally moderately pilose, tube 3-4 mm long, basally 1.2-1.5 mm wide, throat 2.5-3 mm wide, upper lip narrowly ovate, 3-4 mm long, basally 4 mm wide, apically cucullate and rounded, folded longitudinally inside, lower lip 3lobed, lobes narrowly ovate to elliptic, 1.5-2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, undulate at tip; stamens exserted; filaments slender, flattened, 2 mm long, glabrous, anther thecae obliquely attached to a flattened connective, upper thecae obtuse, 1 mm long, lower thecae 1 mm long, apiculate at base; pollen grains 2-porate, bilateral, 50 x 30 /m, trema area microreticulate, traversed by 2 rows peninsulae (Fig. 2); ovary pubescent, brownish, style filiform, 5 mm long, pubescent, stigma oblique. Capsule 4seeded, clavate, 13-14 X 3-3.5 x 3 mm, seedbearing-portion brownish, densely pilose, trichomes both eglandular and glandular; retinacula 2 mm long, slightly curved; seeds suborbicular, 1.5 mm diam., densely pubescent with glochidiate trichomes. Distribution. Endemic to Venezuela; plants occur in cloud forests and along upper slopes of rivers, in the departments of Carabobo, Yaracuy, Cojedes, Lara, Portuguesa, and Trujillo at elevations from 700 to 2300 m. Justicia chapana superficially resembles J. galNovoN 9: 450-452. 1999. This content downloaded from on Tue, 27 Sep 2016 03:59:53 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Volume 9, Number 3 1999 Wasshausen Justicia from Venezuela 451

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