
Myzine Thoracica.♀.—Clypeus strongly and closely punctured, carinated or angular down the middle; front with large, coarse punctures, which become sparser on the vertex and cheeks; the ocelli deeply pitted, the hind pair almost hidden; prothorax, mesopleauræ, dorsulum and scutellum with large, separated punctures, those on the dorsulum by far the largest and sparest; metathorax above and behind entirely smooth, the metapleuræ with oblique striations; legs, especially the tibiæ, coarsely punctured, the outer side of the medial and hind tibiæ covered with strong, shor bristles, and in addition with a row of stout, short spines on the outer edge, the medial and hind tarsi with long bristles and spines; anterior tarsi with the spines stout, the longest equalling the length of the first joint of that tarsus; wings flavo-hyaline, somewhat fuscous apically, the nervures testaceous; abdomen wiht a beautiful iridescent sheen dorsally, with fine rather close punctures, the first segment and base of the following three impunctate; on the apical portion of segments 1–3 the punctures are sparse and stronger, those on the fifth segment stronger; ventral segments on apical portion with large punctures or holes, which form on segments 1–4 a transverse row, which is produced or holes, which form on segments 1–4 a transverse row, which is produced foward into an angle medially; last dorsal segment with fine longitudinal striations.

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