
Abstract A new species of colubrid snake, genus Drymoluber, is described from three localities (1920–3300 m elevation) in southeastern Peru (Departamento de Apurimac). The characteristics of the new species include dorsal scales smooth with two apical pits, in 13 rows throughout body; 14–16 maxillary teeth; one preocular; two postoculars; one anterior and two posterior temporals; anal plate entire; ventrals 158–182; subcaudals 82–92; and a dorsal pattern of transverse blackish blotches (1.0–1.5 scales wide) and narrower hazelnut brown interspaces (2.0–2.5 scales wide) in juveniles, whereas adults are dorsally uniform olive-grey and ventrally yellowish-grey. The new species differs from all species of the genus in number of dorsal scales, number of temporals, number of maxillary teeth, and in several aspects of coloration and pattern.

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