
Two new hyphomycetes, Chalara hyalina and Scytalidium fulvum, isolated from cysts of Heterodera glycines on roots of soybean in Alabama, are described and illustrated. They are compared with similar species of their respective genera. During the course of a survey of fungi occurring in association with the pa? thology of cysts of Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (soybean cyst nematode) in Al? abama soils we have encountered several novel hyphomycete taxa. Some have been implicated in disease of phytonematode cysts and eggs although their precise mode of action has yet to be determined (Morgan-Jones and Rodriguez-Kabana, 1981). One, Codinaea heteroderae Morgan-Jones, has been previously named (Morgan-Jones, 1982). Two additional taxa are described here. Chalara hyalina Morgan-Jones et Gintis, sp. nov. Figs. 1-3, 5 Coloniae in agaro decocto tuberorum post 10 dies ad 25 C, 6.9 cm diametro, moderatim vel fere celeriter crescentes, effusae, lanosae vel coactae, primum albae, deinde cremeae; reverso albo. Coloniae in agaro 'malt' dictu post 10 dies ad 25 C, 6.2 cm diametro, effusae, sparsae, albae. Mycelium plerumque superficiale vel immersum, ex hyphis ramosis, septatis, hyalinis, laevibus vel verruculosis, 2-4 yum crassis compositum. Conidiophora mononemata, semi-macronemata, adscendentia, lateraliter e hy? phis aeriis oriuntur, simplicia vel ramosa, sed plerumque verticillata, laevia. Cellae conidiogenae phialidicae, terminales vel laterales, in conidiophoris incorporatae vel discretae, determinatae, cylindricae vel anguste lageniformae, hyalinae, 22-32 x 4-5 ixm, ad apices 2.5 nm crassae. Conidia enteroblastica, endogena, catenata, cylindrica, hyalina, tenuitunicata, laevia, aseptata, ad extremis truncata, 10-11 x 3-4 /um.

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