
A new species of Atractus is described from Serra do Surucucu, a mountain slope at 1,000 m in the Guyana Shield, State of Roraima, Brazil. This species, only known by females, is diagnosed from all congeners by the following combination of characters: 17/17/17 smooth dorsal scale rows, without apical pits; 200–207 ventral scales; 25–26 subcaudal scales; moderate sized loreal, contacting second and third supralabials; seven supralabials, third and fourth contacting orbit; seven infralabials, first three contacting chinshields; moderate size, 222–388 mm SVL; short tail (7.7–8.8% snout–vent length); dorsal color pattern, in preservative, uniform chocolate to dark brown, with two conspicuous light paraventral lines, and a light incomplete occipital collar; venter immaculate creamish-white; tail uniform black; five maxillary teeth. We compared the new species with all currently recognized cis-Andean Atractus, and its affinities with Atractus alphonsehogei, Atractus caxiuana, Atractus collaris, Atractus gaigeae, Atractus limitaneus, and Atractus zidoki are discussed on the basis of putative morphological synapomorphies.

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