
As a result of the current general inventory of the flora of Costa Rica, six new species of Acanthaceae are described. Three, Justicia aurantiimutata, J. deaurata, and J. peninsularis, are known only from the Osa Peninsula, or nearby. The other three, Habracanthus tilaranensis, Kalbreyeriella rioquebradasiana, and Razisea villosa, are more widespread but still known only from Costa Rica. Collections from relatively well known regions of the tropics, even of easily collected habit types, continue to reveal novelties. In spite of the recency of floristic treatments for the Acanthaceae of Costa Rica and Panama (Durkee, 1978, 1986), numerous additions have since come to light for the region (cf. Daniel, 1993; Daniel & Wasshausen, 1990; G6mezLaurito, 1990; G6mez-Laurito & Grayum, 1991). Three of the six Costa Rican species described below are red-flowered, road or trailside subshrubs of welltraveled areas. The other three are from the longisolated and little-explored Osa Peninsula and have lavender, yellow, or green flowers. Habracanthus tilaranensis G6mez-Laurito, sp. nov. TYPE: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Esparza, Peias Blancas Refugio de Vida Silvestre, 10?07'50N, 84?40'25W, 1,000-1,400 m, 30 Nov. 1986 (fl, fr), G. Herrera et al. 292 (holotype, CR; isotype, MO). Figure 1. Species combinatione foliorum lanceolatorum, inflorescentiarum paniculatarum, 25 cm x 8 cm, corollarum bilabiatarum, flavarum apice rubro, fructuum pilosorum a congeribus distinguenda. Suffruticose shrubs 1-4 m tall, internodes 2-2.5 cm long, sparsely pubescent. Petioles 3-8 cm long, glabrous. Lamina lanceolate, 13-17 cm long, 57.3 cm wide, acuminate at the tip, long attenuate at base, glabrous on both surfaces with ca. 10 pairs of arcuate secondary nerves, margin entire. Inflorescence paniculate, terminal, many-flowered, ca. 25 cm long and 8 cm wide. Peduncles of the panicle NOVON 4: 350-361. 1994. about 10 cm long, quadrangular, short pilose. Branches to 3 cm long, flattened, short puberulous with intermixed glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Secondary branches to 1 cm long. Tertiary branches to 5 mm long. Pedicels 2-3.5 mm long, hirsute with intermixed glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Bracts 1.5-2.5 cm long, ovate, short acuminate at tip, almost sessile. Bracteoles minute, subulate, ca. 1 mm long. Calyx 5-merous, segments lanceolate, 3-5.5 mm long, short puberulous with scattered glandular trichomes, undivided portion 0.5 mm long, swollen. Corolla bilabiate, arched in bud, straight in anthesis, 11 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, yellow with red tip, sparsely pubescent (eglandular), expanded just above the tube; tube 4 mm long, 1.3 mm wide; throat 2.5 mm diam.; upper lip 1.5 mm long, straight, acute; lower lip 3-lobulate, lobules ca. 1 mm long, acute. Stamens 2, exserted to 6 mm longer than the corolla; filaments flattened, glabrous; anthers dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent, locule 2 mm long; pollen spheroidal, ca. 40 um diam. (Fig. 7A). Ovary glabrous, attached on a basal disc; disc 0.8 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, glabrous. Style exserted to 6 mm longer than the corolla, glabrous; stigma simple, capitate. Fruits claviform, 1 cm long, pilose (eglandular), acute at the tip; retinacula acute. Seeds elliptic, 2 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, truncate at the base, pale yellow, papillose throughout. Habitat and distribution. Known only from moist forest at mid elevations on the Pacific slope of the Cordillera de Tilaran. Paratypes. COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Abangares, El Dos, 10?22'N, 84054'W, 900 m, 19 Oct. 1986 (fl), Haber & Bello 5996 (CR, MO). Justicia aurantiimutata Hammel & GomezLaurito, sp. nov. TYPE: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Cant6n de Osa, camino nuevo entre Rancho Quemado y Drake, 08?43'N, 83?36'W, 100-350 m, 7 Feb. 1991 (fl, fr), Hammel et al. 18074 (holotype, CR; isotypes, ARIZ, CAS, INB, MO). Figure 2. This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:54:38 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Volume 4, Number 4 1994 G6mez-Laurito & Hammel New Costa Rican Acanthaceae Species

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