
Caespitose palm with stem 1.5-3-5 m tall and 1*5 cm diam.; internodes 2-5 cm long. Leaf sheath tough and fibrous, 15 cm long, very densely rustytomentose; petiole 40-47 cm long; lamina 36-54 cm long with 3-5 pairs of pinnae; pinnae 21-28 x 2-5-8 cm, with lower veins and rachis densely rufous-hairy. Inflorescences borne among the leaves; prophyll as long as leaf sheath; second peduncular bract projecting 8 cm beyond the leaf sheath, densely brown-tomentose. Inflorescence to 49-57 cm long, with peduncle to 29 cm; rachillae 4-8 in number, 19-33 cm long, the lowermost rachillae sometimes with second-order branching. Staminate flower with calyx 1 mm long, corolla 3 mm long, ribbed; stamens with lobed anthers 1-5 mm long, tissue in the stomial region with conspicuous large raphides; pistillode columnar, 2-5 mm long. Pistillate flowers (immature) with calyx 1 mm long; corolla 2 mm long and ribbed; staminodes minute; ovary ovoid, 1.5 mm long. Fruit elongate, 1-5 cm long by 5-6 mm broad at the base, tapering to 3 mm at the apex, with 3 ribs on the dorsal side and 2 lateral ribs extending less than half way from the base of the fruit, apex curved towards the basal stylar remains; young fruit green, turning white and ripening red. Endosperm homogeneous, curved and smooth (without ribs).

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