
Prior to this research little was known about the historical Herbarium Croaticum (ZA) bryophyte collection. In 2021 and 2022 the historical bryophyte collection from ZA herbarium was systemised, nomenclaturally revised and geocoded within Flora Croatica Database, revealing as many as 1982 specimens of 335 species gathered across Croatia prior to 2000. Among them, Hylocomiastrum umbratum and Timmiella barbuloides were found to be the new, so-far forgotten species in Croatian bryoflora. From a herbarium voucher, Heterocladium dimorphum was finally confirmed for Croatia. Additionally, noteworthy specimens of rare and underrecorded species, the oldest records and new, previously unknown localities, were presented. Ultimately, the discovered herbarium vouchers provide a revision and verification of historical records previously known only from literature.

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