
Rhagoletis antioquiensis Rodriguez Norrbom, a new species of fruit fly in the striatella species group of Rhagoletis Loew, is described and illustrated. New distribution records are reported for two other species of the striatella group: R. nicaraguensis Herndez-Ortiz Fras, 2000 is reported from Costa Rica, and R. solanophaga Herndez-Ortiz Fras, 2000 from Bolivia. A lectotype is designated for Urophora scutellaris Macquart, 1851 (= R. macquartii (Loew)). New host plant relationships for three species of Rhagoletis, all reared from fruits, are reported: Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schrtdl. and Witheringia solanacea LHer for R. jamaicensis Foote, 1981 from Colombia; Lycianthes pseudolycioides (Chod. Hassl.) Bitter for R. solanophaga from Bolivia; and Solanum pseudocapsicum L., Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigenum (Juz. Burkasov) Hawkes, Solanum interandinum Bitter from Colombia and Solanum americanum Mill. in Peru for undetermined species of the psalida group. The key to species of the striatella group of Herndez-Ortiz Fras (2000) is modified to include R. antioquiensis.

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