
The primary goal of this project is to introduce various citizenry groups within Wisconsin to new and potentially profitable alternative crops and production systems, and to acquaint them with crops and ornamental which may be common in Europe and Asia but which have not been extensively grown in our region. Approximately 50 new cultivars of gourmet vegetables, edible flowers, everlasting flowers, fresh cut flowers, and ornamental grasses were field tested 3 years for their adaptability for home and market gardens in Wisconsin. Cultivars were chosen for their unique flavor, color, shape, or texture. Greenhouse grown plants were transplanted onto black plastic mulch, with an annual rye–grass living mulch planted between crop rows. Aside from carbaryl and Bacillus thuringiensis used for cole crop insect control, no chemical pesticides or herbicides were used. Data taken includes notes on production, climate adaptability, disease and insect stress, maturation date, color, taste, and texture. Regional interest has been widespread from various groups including growers for gourmet restaurants, farmers market producers, garden clubs, youth organizations, and urban gardeners..

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