
The physical and medical side of pauperism, criminality, and associate evils have received a great uplift inGen. Booth'swork, "On Darkest England and the Way Out." The purpose of this work is to bring out the fact, that one-tenth of the London population are paupers, criminals, lunatics and outcasts generally and are called the "submerged tenth"; also that all remedies and means to reach and correct this evil are failures unless especially addressed to the physical side. Another fact seldom realized, yet terribly true, is that pauperism and its associate disorders are indigenous, and when once they take root in a town or city, reproduce themselves through heredity, surroundings and conditions of life, with a persistence that defies all missions, churches and free charities. The so-called charities in most cases increase the very evils they are intended to relieve. This is illustrated in many of the dispensaries so generously

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