
Abstract A new species of Astyanax is described from the rio Salobra, tributary of rio Cuiabá, rio Paraguai basin. The new taxon can be distinguished from its congeners by having a well-defined dark midlateral stripe on body extending from the posterior margin of the opercle to the base of middle caudal-fin rays and a single vertical elongate humeral blotch. Although the new species is described in Astyanax, some specimens present an incomplete or a discontinuous series of perforated scales in the lateral line. Therefore, a discussion on its generic allocation is presented. Comments on different patterns of coloration among dark-striped species of Astyanax are also provided. The discovery of a new species in an underwater tourist point relatively near a large urban center underscores that even fish species daily observed by hundreds of people in limpid waters may lack a formal taxonomic identity. Such finding also highlights how the megadiverse Brazilian freshwater ichthyofauna still needs efforts and investments to identify and describe new taxa.

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