
The red giant MaCoMP_V1 in Cepheus at coordinates RA (J2000) 22:49:05:49 DEC (J2000) +57:52:41:6 is a semiregular variable star classified as SRS, number 2225960 in the AAVSO VSX database. Using the Fourier transform, the period P = (24.7510±0.062)d was evaluated and, with the support of the ASAS-SN and ZTF surveys, a well-defined light curve was made. The analysis resulted in the fundamental physical parameters of MaCoMP_V1, such as the mass M = (4.97±0.38)M(Sun) and radius R = (40.5±6.7)R(Sun), with consistent values suggesting the characteristics of a semiregular red giant. In addition, the effective temperature Teff = (4500±135)K from the Gaia catalog and the stellar evolution based on the Schönberg- Chandraskehar limit was estimated.

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