
Sectional taxonomy ofTaraxacum in steppe or subsaline habitats in Central Asia is revised based on material collected during expeditions, cultivated or studied in herbarium. Two new sections are described from that area:T. sect.Stenoloba similar toT. sect.Leucantha (syn.:T. sect.Sinensia), andT. sect.Suavia allied toT. sect.Dissecta. The type species of the sectionSuavia is described asTaraxacum formosissimum Kirschner etStěpanek. Widespread mountain dandelions of the Caucasus, intermediate between the sect.Piesis andT. stevenii, are described asT. sect.Confusa. Taraxacum species dominating dry habitats in S Ukraine and Crimea are described asT. sect.Borysthenica. Species belonging to the new sections were found to be polyploid and agamospermous.

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