
The coastal rainforests of Cameroon and neighbouring countries support a high diversity of Sapindaceae, especially treelets and small trees, including many rare and unusual species. It is therefore not surprising that new taxa are still being described from this area. Both of the new taxa belong in groups that normally have paripinnate, multijugate leaves, but are unusual in having simple and bifoliolate leaves respectively. The first new species is a small tree that clearly belongs in the tribe Lepisantheae Blume, close to Chytranthus Hook. f., despite the apparently simple leaf. We believe that the differences are sufficient to warrant the creation of a new genus Namataea named for Mr Ferdinand Namata, naturalist for Cameroon's Korup National Park. The second species is a forest treelet in the genus Deinbollia Schum. & Thonn. (Sapindeae DC.), D. mezilii, dedicated to Paul Mezili of the Cameroon National Herbarium. This is the third unijugate member of the genus; two others were described from Cameroon by Thomas (1986).

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