
Let X be a real Banach space and G a bounded, open and convex subset of X. The solvability of the fixed point problem (*) Tx + Cx 3 x in D(T) n G is considered, where T . X D D(T) -* 2X is a possibly discontinuous m-dissipative operator and C: G -X is completely continuous. It is assumed that X is uniformly convex, D(T) n G $& 0 and (T + C)(D(T) n OG) C G. A result of Browder, concerning single-valued operators T that are either uniformly continuous or continuous with X* uniformly convex, is extended to the present case. Browder's method cannot be applied in this setting, even in the single-valued case, because there is no class of permissible homeomorphisms. Let IF {= 7Z+ -+ R-; /3(r) -O 0 as r -* oo}. The effect of a weak boundary condition of the type (u + Cx, x) > -/3(11xfl)flxl12 on the range of operators T + C is studied for m-accretive and maximal monotone operators T. Here, ,B E F, x C D(T) with sufficiently large norm and u C Tx. Various new eigenvalue results are given involving the solvability of Tx + ACx 3 0 with respect to (A, x) E (0, oo) x D(T). Several results do not require the continuity of the operator C. Four open problems are also given, the solution of which would improve upon certain results of the paper.

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