
This work presents information about 19 taxa recorded from different habitats at depths between 0.2 and 508 m in the last two decades, which are new records or poorly known species along the Turkish coasts. Among the identified species, Epitonium vaillanti, Melanella cf. lubrica, Melanella monterosatoi, Pelseneeria minor, Setia amabilis, Kurtziella serga, Rissoella diaphana, Rissoella inflata, and Spirolaxis clenchi are new records for the Turkish mollusc fauna, Eatonina pumila is new report for the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea, and Eatonina ochroleuca, Acirsa subdecussata, Lamellaria latens, Setia pulcherrima, Setia valvatoides, and Turbonilla cangeyrani are species with rare distribution which were sampled for one or a few times only. Viriola cf. bayani, Acirsa subdecussata, Melanella monterosatoi, Eatonina ochroleuca, E. pumila, Setia amabilis, Setia pulcherrima, Lamellaria latens, Rissoella diaphana, R. inflata, and Syrnola sp. were encountered along the Aegean Sea coast, whereas Epitonium vaillanti, Pelseneeria minor, Rissoidae sp., Kurtziella serga, Turbonilla cangeyrani, and Spirolaxis clenchi were recorded on the Levantine coast of Turkey, and Melanella cf. lubrica in the prebosphoric region of the Sea of Marmara. Setia valvatoides is the only species found on the Turkish Black Sea coast. On the other hand, Epitonium vaillanti and Viriola cf. bayani are species originated outside the Mediterranean basin. Most of the species were found at infralittoral and circalittoral depths, except for Kurtziella serga and Spirolaxis clenchi found at a depth of 508 m. The present study elucidates some ecological and distinguishing characteristics of the investigated species, along with their colour photographs and distribution along the Turkish coasts.

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