
This paper reports 97 new species-locality records of bats from Malawi. Of particular interest are four species of bats (Rhinolophus swinnyi, Triaenops persicus, Eptesicus flavescens, Tadarida nigeriae) which have not been recorded previously from Malawi. The relative status of bats in Malawi was estimated and the species were placed in five categories ranging from ‘rarely-recorded’ to ‘very commonly-recorded’. Of the 59 species of bats known to occur in Malawi, 28 are rarely-recorded in Malawi. The relative status and species-locality records of bats were analysed to assess which species, and which localities, need special conservation effort. Seventeen species which are rare throughout their ranges in Africa as well as being rarely-recorded or seldom-recorded in Malawi, are considered to require special effort. Checklists of bats are given for 11 localities, including Liwonde NP in the Upper Shire Valley (29 spp.), two localities on the Shire Highlands (28, 22 spp.), Thyolo on the boundary between the Shire Highlands and Phalombe Plain (22 spp.), and Chiromo in the Lower Shire valley (30 spp.), which have particularly rich bat faunas. Localities in need of urgent conservation effort include Ntchisi FR in the Central Region, and Chiromo. Ninety-two percent of the species of bats known to occur in Malawi have been recorded from the Southern Region. Most of these species will probably continue to survive in southern Malawi provided that the National Parks (especially Liwonde NP) are maintained and well-managed, and there is no further destruction of the indigenous vegetation at Chiromo and Thyolo, and on the Shire Highlands.

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