
Non-poroid Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycota) in areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northeast Brazil are reported. Auriscalpium villipes (Lloyd) Snell & E.A. Dick, Climacodon pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Nikol., Gloeodontia discolor (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Boidin, Irpex lacteus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. and Scytinostroma duriusculum (Berk. & Broome) Donk are new records to Northeast Brazil.


  • The Atlantic Rain Forest is a coastal ecosystem characterised by high biological diversity

  • The hydnoid fungi were studied by Bononi (1979), and species of Lachnocladiaceae and Schizophyllaceae were reported by Burt (1919), Corner (1950), Talbot (1951), Bononi et al (1981), Bononi (1984), and Hjortstam & Bononi (1986), Capelari & Maziero (1988), Sotão et al (1991), Jesus (1993; 1996), Silva & Minter (1995), Gugliotta (1997) and Gibertoni & Cavalcanti (2003)

  • Four species of Hydnaceae, two of Lachnocladiaceae and one of Schizophyllaceae were recorded in the surveyed areas

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The Atlantic Rain Forest is a coastal ecosystem characterised by high biological diversity. Over time, it has been diminished significantly by human activities that have nearly caused its complete destruction (Ministério do Meio Ambiente, dos Recursos Hídricos e da Amazônia Legal 1998; Ranta et al 1998). Few mycological studies have been undertaken in the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil (Loguércio-Leite & Gerber 1997; Soares & Gugliotta 1998; Gugliotta & Bononi 1999; Gerber & Loguércio-Leite 2000; GóesNeto et al 2000; Gibertoni & Cavalcanti 2000; 2003). The hydnoid fungi were studied by Bononi (1979), and species of Lachnocladiaceae and Schizophyllaceae were reported by Burt (1919), Corner (1950), Talbot (1951), Bononi et al (1981), Bononi (1984), and Hjortstam & Bononi (1986), Capelari & Maziero (1988), Sotão et al (1991), Jesus (1993; 1996), Silva & Minter (1995), Gugliotta (1997) and Gibertoni & Cavalcanti (2003).

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