
The bryoflora of 16 peatlands in northern Indiana was surveyed using systematically arranged, 1 m2 quadrats. The peatlands included representa? tives of non-Sphagnum-dominated low-shrub/sedge peatlands, Sphagnum-domi? nated low-shrub peatlands, Sphagnum-dominated tall shrub-carrs, and forested peatlands. Forty-eight taxa representing 26 genera were noted. The Sphagnaceae and the Amblystegiaceae had the greatest representation. Sphagnum magellanicum, S. fimbriatum, and S. recurvum were the most wide-ranging and frequent Sphagna, occurring in as many as 8 of the 16 peatlands examined. Sphagnum fuscum, S. capillifolium, S. isoviitae, S. russowii, and S. squarrosum were infrequent, each occurring at only one station. Mosses of the family Amblystegiaceae were relatively infrequent, occurring chiefly in four of the extremely mineral-rich peatlands; Calliergonella cuspidata had the greatest fre? quency. Aulacomnium palustre had the largest trophic amplitude, occurring at all but one of the stations. New bryophyte records for Indiana included Sphagnum isoviitae Flatb., Sphagnum warnstorfii Russow., Calliergon giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb., Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske, Hypnum pratense Koch ex Spruce, Isopterygium elegans (Brid.) Lindb, and Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) S.F. Gray. Numerous new county records and Indiana range extensions were also noted.

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