
The latest Maastrichtian planktic foraminiferal Egyptian species Plummerita haggagae Anan from the planktic foraminiferal zonation P. hantkeninoides Zone of Duwi section (Qusseir area, Red Sea coast, Eastern Desert of Egypt) has last spine-like prolongation of the three penultimate of four-chambered volution test, and also recorded here from the same stratigraphic horizon of Per Fat section (Duhok area, Kurdistan region of Iraq). This species represents the third group of Plummerita (Plummerita haggagae group of Anan). The other two groups of Plummerita, which produced by Brönnimann (1952) from Trinidad, are: Plummerita hantkeninoides group (last five-chambered volution: P. hantkeninoides, P. costata, P. inflata), and Plummerita reicheli group (last six-chambered volition: P. reicheli, P. pustulata, P. hexacamerata). P. haggagae is distinguished by its four-chambered volition in dextral coiling, with axially pointed spine-like prolongation for the three penultimate chambers, but without spine-like prolongation of the last fourth inflated chamber. The fauna of Gabal Duwi in central Egypt is predominantly considered here to be related to MTF (middle-upper neritic environment (100-200 m water depth).

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