
The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver) (Cole?ptera: Curculionidae), locally called Asian Palm Weevil, is a native of Southern Asia and Melanesia (Malumphy & Mo ran 2007). The RPW is a devastating pest of palms having a wide geographical distribution in Europe and Asia (Wattanapongsiri 1966; Zhang et al. 2003; Al-Ayedh 2008). It attacks various palm species such as Phoenix sylvestris, Cocos nuc?fera, and Metroxylon sago in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indonesia, The Philippines, and the Gulf states (Rahalkar et al. 1985; Murphy & Biscoe 1999). In India it is one of the most-de structive pests of coconut causing infestation of as many as 12% of 5-10-years-old coconut palms (Sekhar 2000). RPW has been reported as the most-destructive pest of coconut (Cocos nuc?fera) from major Indian coconut growing states includ ing Karnataka, Kerala, Goa (Venkitasubban 1936; Lever 1979; Faleiro et al. 2003; Prabhu & Patii 2009). It is a serious pest of date palm (Phoe nix dactylifera) in Punjab state of India (Lai 1917) causing considerable damage to the crop during 1916-17 (Meckanna 1918) and a pest on sugar

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