
Documenting the biodiversity and biogeography of ciliates will help expand the overall knowledge within the field, as well as, shed new light on the dispersal and survival potential for other microorganisms, such as protists. As organisms at the base of food webs, ciliates are an essential part of the microbial loop and the ecosystems that they support. This study deals with ciliates community in freshwater of Tigris river within Baghdad city. Four sites were chosen at Al-Grea`t & Al-Adhamiya area at the riverbank. Total of 44 ciliophora taxa were detected, 22 taxa of which were identified to the species level and 22 taxa to the genus level. Among them, 11 taxa were new recording for Tigris river in Baghdad city: Cyrtolophosis sp., Monochilum frontatum, Orborhabdostyla bromelicola, Ophrydium sessile, Scyphidia sp., Vortecilla convallaria, Vortecilla octava, Zoothamnium Bory, Tokophrya lemnarum, Urostyla sp. and Stentor fluiginosus.

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