
The high optical transparency of indium antimonide (InSb) substrates makes them attractive for IR focal-plane arrays (IRFPAs) and detectors, free-space communications, transistors, and integrated optoelectronics.1–3 A large-diameter crystalline InSb surface can accommodate new and bigger advanced IRFPA designs. However, the 150mm diameter of these antimonides poses unique surface-polishing challenges to substrate manufacturers. To improve the resolution and sensitivity of highperformance IRFPA imaging systems in the 1–5.4μm region (77◦K), the substrates’ surface must meet or surpass stringent demands. In particular, for detector-fabrication processes requiring epitaxy growth for the device layer, the starting InSb surface must be ultrasmooth, less than one atomic layer in roughness. It should also desorb the Sb and In surface oxides in an abrupt and fast outgassing process.4 A consistent and easily desorbable surface oxide helps improve advanced-device epilayer yield and performance in Sb-based IRFPA manufacturing. The substrate’s chemomechanical-polish (CMP) history is a primary factor in InSb surface smoothness and oxide desorption. We wanted to consistently produce surfaces suitable for recent epitaxy processes with stringent substrate-surface specifications. To do so, we analyzed the substrate-surface orientation, atomic roughness, oxide desorption, and crystallinity as a function of CMP process. Our resulting CMP process for largerdiameter InSb single-crystal surfaces has produced a smoother InSb starting surface and abrupt oxide-desorption characteristics suitable for device-layer molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) material growth.5 We applied a standard semiconductor-grade CMP to two groups of antimonide substrates separated from the same boule. We used a proprietary CMP process for group A. For group Figure 1. Thermal x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis spectra in electron volts (eV) for the antimonide (Sb) 3d (electron orbital) binding-energy peaks of both Group A and B chemomechanical polish surfaces at 400◦C shows the Sb oxide removed for Group B polished surfaces. CMP: Chemomechanical polish.

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