
Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of a fixed combination of 0.24 % hyaluronic acid, carbomer, glycerol and a lipid component in the hyposecretory dry eye treatment. Patients and methods. We examined 35 hyposecretory moderate dry eye (DE) patients in conditions of lipidaquas-mucin deficiency and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). All patients included in the study received instillations of a fixed combination of 0.24 % hyaluronic acid (in the form of sodium hyaluronate), carbomer, glycerol and a lipid component (in the form of medium chain triglycerides) — Artelak Night (3 times a day, 2 months). The main criterion for the effectiveness of therapy was the tear film brake up time (TBUT, Norn’s test, s). In addition, the dynamics of the following indicators were taken into account: OSDI (scores), “lid-wiper’ symptom (LWS, scores), lower tear meniscus height (LTMH, μm; OCT, OptoVue), Bijsterveld`s xerosis index (XI, scores; lyssamine green stained). Control points: at inclusion in the study; examination after 1 and 2 months of therapy. Statistics: calculation of the mean and its standard deviation (M ± s); assessment of the reliability of differences in indicators characterizing the state of the ocular surface before and after therapy (Wilcoxon t-test). Results. The patients showed a statistically significant increase in TBUT at the second and third control points, which indicated the effectiveness of DE therapy. The increase in TBUT was accompanied by a significant decrease in the severity of DE subjective symptoms at the same control points (OSDI). On the background of therapy, a trend towards a decrease in LWS was recorded, which was statistically insignificant. Apparently, a significant increase in TBUT and a decrease in OSDI were associated with a significant increase in LTMH at the third control point (decrease in the severity of aqua-deficiency) and a significant decrease in XI at the second and third control points (decrease in the severity of mucose-deficiency). Conclusion. A fixed combination of 0.24 % hyaluronic acid, carbomer, glycerol and a lipid component proved to be effective in the treatment of hyposecretory moderate DE in conditions of lipid-water-mucin deficiency, which was accompanied by a significant increase in TBUT and LTMH, as well as a decrease in OSDI and XI.

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