
Gastroesophageal reflux disease has a high incidence and prevalence in the general population. Clinical manifestations are heterogenous, and so is the response to medical treatment. Proton pump inhibitors are still the most common agents used to control reflux symptoms and for healing esophagitis, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for the disease. Patients with persistent troublesome symptoms despite medical therapy, those experiencing some adverse drug reaction, or those unwilling to take lifelong medications deserve valid alternatives. Anti-reflux Nissen fundoplication is an effective option, but the risk of adverse events has limited its spread. In recent years, advancements in therapeutic endoscopy have been made, and three major endoluminal alternatives are now available, including (1) the delivery of radiofrequency energy to the esophago–gastric junction, (2) transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF), and (3) anti-reflux mucosal interventions (ARMI) based on mucosal resection (ARMS) and mucosal ablation (ARMA) techniques to remodel the cardia. Endoscopic techniques have shown interesting results, but their diffusion is still limited to expert endoscopists in tertiary centers. This review discusses the state of the art in the endoscopic approach to gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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