
Kyanite and zoisite eclogites from the Limousin area in the Variscan French Massif Central (FMC) have been formed by deep subduction to 100 km depth at peak pressure–temperature conditions around 660 °C and 2.9 GPa. They belong to a thin tectonic unit comprising ophiolitic bodies devoid of HP-UHP markers and forming a transported suture zone now separating the two main lithotectonic units of the FMC with contrasted tectono-metamorphic features (namely the lower and upper allochthons). Composition of kyanite–eclogites is similar to supra-subduction-zone basalts found in back-arc basins or island arcs (LREE depleted, negative Nb–Ta anomalies, εNd: + 6 to + 9). Zoisite eclogites have the major-element fingerprint of ultrabasic iron-rich plagioclase cumulates common in continental intrusions or forming Fe–Ti oceanic gabbros. The distribution of immobile trace-elements is however more comparable to alkaline Si-undersaturated rocks, but the Sr–Nd isotopic composition ( 87Sr/ 86Sr: 0.706; εNd: − 3 to − 5) suggests the intervention of an old radiogenic crustal component during their petrogenesis. The chemical composition of hydrous zoisite eclogites does not correspond closely to a common magmatic precursor. It is thus suggested that, by analogy with well exposed worldwide HP-UHP terranes, at least a part of the trace-element signature and the isotopic compositions are controlled by channelled fluid–rock interaction at UHP conditions, leading to localised segregation of zoisite that hosts nearly all Sr and LREE budgets of the bulk eclogite. Sr–Nd isotopic composition of these samples is thus controlled by zoisite and probably represents the isotopic composition of the fluid phase present during UHP recrystallisation. Zircons extracted from a zoisite eclogite were dated in-situ by LA-ICP-MS. Crystallisation of the magmatic precursor is bracketed between 489 and 475 Ma and the UHP event is dated at 412 ± 10 Ma, in agreement with published ages for the Eo-Variscan HP stage in the FMC. A late resetting of the U–Pb isotopic system at 382 ± 7 Ma is related to an anatectic high pressure–medium pressure event, well known in the Limousin area. The oceanic eclogites dated in this study are tentatively linked to the Galicia–South Brittany Lower Paleozoic Ocean; they show evidence of the existence of an intra-oceanic subduction zone at the Lower Ordovician and of partial closure of this oceanic domain by ocean–continent subduction during Early Devonian.

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