
Pyrgota Chagnoni, n. sp.♂.—Head reddish, vertex reticulated with brown, cheeks and occiput yellowish, antennal foveæ brown; antennæ yellow, thorax and scutellum red; numerous fine brown specks are so arranged as to form two obsolete dorsal lines and two spots on each side divided by the suture; this character is especially noticeable when looking from the head toward the scutellum, and gives the disc of the thorax a rugose appearance. Abdomen narrow, brownish, shining, posterior margins of the second, third, fourth and sides of the fifth segment more or less blackish. Halteres yellow. Legs variable in colour, with thick black hairs, especially on tibiæ, anterior and middle coxæ, basal half of all the femora and tibiæ, and all except the terminal joint of the tarsi yellow; posterior coxæ and the terminal portion of the femora reddish; outer half of all the tibiæ and the terminal joint of the tarsi blackish; the outer portion of the posterior tibiæ is intensely black, while the black of the anterior tibiæ is due largely to long thick hairs. The wings can best be described by reversing that of P. valida, Harris, given by Loew (Monog., Pt. III., p. 75).

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