
Five nests with a total of 19 cells of Podagritus parrotti Leclercq were excavated on Mt. Luxmore, Fiordland. They contained 155 beetles, all Adoxia pubicollis Broun (Chrysomelidae). One nest was shared with Podagritus digyalos Harris. P. parrotti is apparently host-specific to the genus Adoxia Broun throughout New Zealand. Additional families of Diptera are recorded as prey for Podagritus digyalos Harris and P. cora (Cameron). Prey of P. digyalos included species of Simuliidae, Empididae, Syrphidae, Pseudopomyzidae and Ephydridae. Prey of P. cora included Tabanidae, Tipulidae, Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae and Muscidae: Limnophorini. Prey of P. carbonicolor (Dalla Torre) included the flies Xenocalliphora sp. (Calliphoridae) and Pangonia ricardoi (Hutton) (Tabanidae); no species in those genera have previously been recorded as prey. The larva of P. cora is described for the first time, and compared with that of P. parrotti.

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