
This article presents and overview of the contemporary nutritional trends established in the 21st-century units of the nominative grid of the lexical and semantic field POTRAWY, NAPOJE I PRODUKTY SPOŻYWCZE (DISHES, BEVERAGES, AND FOODS) of the Polish language. It bears characteristics of a research, since it is based exclusively on an analysis of the lexis that is being recorded in two dictionaries that are being developed on an ongoing basis and that is absent from the 2005 monographic study of culinary lexis. However, some most general regularities are noticeable. In the first place, the strong glocalisation and health-promoting naming trends present in this field at least since the last decade of the 20th century have prevailed. They are complemented by more recent processes, resulting in the emergence of semantic categories that are small in scope and comprise a few components in the vocabulary. The most prominent among these are ecological views (vegetarianism and veganism) and the treatment of food as a source of pleasure (sensual terms, stimulant names, comfort food).

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