
New names and new combinations are proposed for 15 species of Campanulaceae s.1. that have no legitimate name at that rank in the genus to which they should be assigned. These nomenclatural innovations include changes of genus and rank among the endemic Hawaiian Lobelioideae, the final installment in the incorporation of Pratia into Lobelia, and replacement of two illegitimate names in Campanuloideae. In the course of compiling a checklist of the species of Campanulaceae s.1. currently recognized in the world's taxonomic literature (floras, checklists, monographs, revisions), a few species were found to have no legitimate name in the genus to which they should be assigned. New names and combinations have been effected already (Lammers, 1995) for those involving the illegitimate generic name Lightfootia L'H(ritier de Brutelle. Here, new names and new combinations are made for the remainder. HAWAIIAN LOBELIOIDEAE The most recent treatment of the Hawaiian Lobelioideae is the account contributed (Lammers, 1990) to the Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i. Since its publication, this synopsis has been expanded into a series of generic monographs. In several cases, examination of a larger body of specimens and consideration of a more comprehensive suite of characters has convinced me that taxa that I treated as conspecific did indeed merit recognition. Because the monographs of Cyanea Gaudichaud-Beauprd and Delissea Gaudichaud-Beaupr4 will not be completed before the checklist goes to press, the following new combinations in those genera are published here. This will also make them available for use by other workers in the areas of biological conservation and biogeography. In the Manual, Cyanea grimesiana GaudichaudBeaupr4 subsp. grimesiana was circumscribed very broadly, encompassing not only populations on O'ahu (the type locality), but also those on Moloka'i, Maui, and Lana'i. However, some of these latter populations (recognized as varieties by earlier botanists) are distinguishable morphologically, both from each other and from the O'ahu populations of C. grimesiana subsp. grimesiana. Furthermore, the degree of morphological differentiation is commensurate with that usually accorded specific rank elsewhere in the genus. Consequently, these plants and those previously recognized as C. grimesiana subsp. cylindrocalyx are here elevated to specific rank. Cyanea cylindrocalyx (Rock) Lammers, comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Cyanea grimesiana var. cylindrocalyx Rock, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 44: 235. 1917. Delissea grimesiana var. cylindrocalyx (Rock) H. St. John, Phytologia 63: 83. 1987. Cyanea grimesiana subsp. cylindrocalyx (Rock) Lammers, Syst. Bot. 13: 502. 1987. TYPE: Hawaiian Islands. Hawai'i: Waipi'o Valley [WaimA branch], 16 July 1909, Rock 4629 (holotype, BISH; isotypes, BISH [2]). Cyanea mauiensis (Rock) Lammers, comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Cyanea grimesiana var. mauiensis Rock, Monogr. Stud. Haw. Lobelioid. 251. 1919. Delissea grimesiana var. mauiensis (Rock) H. St. John, Phytologia 63: 84. 1987. TYPE: Hawaiian Islands. West Maui: gulch of Olualu [Olowalu], Aug. 1870, Hillebrand s.n. (lectotype, designated by Lammers [1994: 558], US; isotypes, GH, K). Cyanea grimesiana var. lydgatei Rock, Monogr. Stud. Haw. Lobelioid. 251. 1919. Syn. nov. Delissea grimesiana var. lydgatei (Rock) H. St. John, Phytologia 63: 83. 1981. TYPE: Hawaiian Islands. East Maui: Makawao, Hamakua, Lydgate 62 (Rock [1919: pl. 140], designated by Lammers [1994: 558]). Cyanea munroi (Hosaka) Lammers, comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Cyanea grimesiana var. munroi Hosaka, Occas. Pap. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 14: 30. 1938. Delissea grimesiana var. munroi (Hosaka) H. St. John, Phytologia 63: 84. 1987. TYPE: Hawaiian Islands. Lana'i: Kaiholena, 3 Nov. 1913, Munro 166 (holotype, BISH; isotypes, BISH [2], US). These species may be distinguished using the following key. Note that the populations of C. grimesiana on O'ahu are still divided into subspecies grimesiana and subspecies obatae (H. St. John) Lammers. NovoN 8: 31-35. 1998. This content downloaded from on Fri, 24 Jun 2016 05:48:48 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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