
The article is devoted to the analysis of the novel «Sectarian» by a young Kazakh writer M. Zemskov.In the new literary process of Kazakhstan, new artistic trends are emerging, one of which can be calledintellectual. It reflects the characteristic strengthening of the analytical principle in modern literature.Such works are characterized by a first–person story that preserves the speech characteristics of the maincharacter, while the other characters are presented through the focus of his perception. Тhe author’spersonality is consciously diminished, his individuality is shown only in the choice of the hero, which ismost noticeable in the presence of the phenomenon of «text in the text» in the work.The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the new hero’s morality. The characterization of the new hero is determined not by personal or individual parameters, but by masking. Here is theprinciple of so–called «double redirection», characteristic of works of modern literature.Many traditionalvalues are undergoing a significant transformation. This is perceived as a stage of a special spiritual worldof illusions – simulacrum, as a result of which the prospects of reality become uncertain.According to the authors, the writer uses a multi–level organization of the text, the most importantlaw of realistic depiction of life becomes dominant, and the hero’s image is conditioned by the socialbackground: everyday, historical, and spiritual circumstances of his existence. The modern hero is in akind of vacuum, the author conducts a consistent and conscious game in the text: it seems that the workis built from a kind of cubes, cultural codes that form its structure. It is as if the texts contain a varietyof writing experiences and thus form a special cultural text space.Fundamental problems of human existence, the study of the deep contradictions of the hero and modern society performs a plot – formingfunction.

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