
We show that supersymmetry breaking in a class of theories with SU$(N)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{SU}(N\ensuremath{-}2)$ gauge symmetry can be studied in a calculable $\ensuremath{\sigma}$ model. We use the $\ensuremath{\sigma}$ model to show that the supersymmetry-breaking vacuum in these theories leaves a large subgroup of flavor symmetries intact, and to calculate the masses of the low-lying states. By embedding the standard model gauge groups in the unbroken flavor symmetry group we construct a class of models in which supersymmetry breaking is communicated by both gravitational and gauge interactions. One distinguishing feature of these models is that the messenger fields, responsible for the gauge-mediated communication of supersymmetry breaking, are an integral part of the supersymmetry-breaking sector. We also show how, by lowering the scale that suppresses the nonrenormalizable operators, a class of purely gauge-mediated models with a combined supersymmetry-breaking-cum-messenger sector can be built. We briefly discuss the phenomenological features of the models we construct.

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