
Two main recent achievements of the first decade in this new century in model space based during product definition are representation of corporate knowledge in product model and extended application of contextual feature principle. Contextual connections are applied to define corporate knowledge features as relationships amongst product object parameters. Current product models include comprehensive range of contextual features. However, current user interfaces for product definition processes are not in the possession of capabilities for the required human-computer communication and model representation. Coordination of human originated intent and engineering objective definitions for product feature definitions is not available. The authors of this paper introduced a new contextual chain in which human intent, product behavior, and adaptive action objects are connected in order to establish modeling capabilities for the above communication, representation, and coordination. As a realization of this method, new sets of entities were defined to extend currently applied product model entity sets. This paper starts with characterizing and evaluation of the currently prevailing product modeling. Following this, a new model and its entities are introduced and the method of extension of current model with this model is explained. Implementation of the proposed method is facilitated by the possibility for new object class definition by using of open surface of current industrial product modeling systems.

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